
Vocabulary Unit:7

Vocabulary Unit 7
Chase: To follow rapidly or intently in order to overtake, pursue
Sting: To prick or wound (a person or animal) with a sharp-pointed part of the body that often contains poison or venom.
Fight Back: A battle or combat.
Shy: Bashful,Retiring,Timid.
Polite: Showing good manners.
Mean: To have in mind as one's purpose or intention.
Rude: Not polite.
Prey: An animal hunted for food.


Vocabulary Unit:5


: approaching old age
Middle-Aged: begin of the age intermediate between youth and old age, between 45 and 65.
Toddler: A child who has just started to walk but may be unsteady on his or her feet.
Young adult: A teenager
Move house: Move on your house
Retire: To give up or withdraw from a job or career, usually because of age.
Eventually: After along time.
Fluently: Without errors.
Do well at: To allow or approve, as by custom or practice.
Have a sleepover with friends: To have enough beds, or a place to sleep.
Share a room: A part of a whole, esp. given to a member of a group.
Have a lie-in: An act or instance of staying in bed longer than usual, in the morning.
Sunbathe: To expose one's body deliberately to the direct rays of the sun or a sunlamp.