

1.-It's divided in two parts: Ireland, also known as the Republic of Ireland, and Northen Ireland, which is part of the U.K.
2.-A limerick ir a poem which tells a silly story or joke in five lines.
3.-At the Blarney Castle near Cork, there is an old stone in a tower that has magic powers.
4.-Dublin is the capital of Republic Ireland. 
5.-Dublin is the home of Riverdance, a popular dance show which tells there story of Ireland and its people.
6.-The first known limericks date back to the 18th century,  and come people think that the name comes from the city of Limerick.
7.-The poems all follow the same rules. 
8.-Molly Malone tells the history of a girl who sold fish on streets of Dublin but de died very young. 



I choose the three Little Pigs because is very exciting for kids and I like.


Unit 1





In the USA:

- You have to call the teachers Mr. or Miss and his/her surname.
- You can have a gun to defend yourself.
- You can't wear shorts at the school. 
- You mustn't drink until the age of 21.
- You can join to the military service at the age of 16.
- You can hunt animals very young
-You must go to school at the age of 16.
-In Alaska you can fly a plane at the age of 16.

Starter Unit


Sightseeing:The act of visiting places and things of interest.
Seaside:The land along the sea.
Quieter:Making little or no noise or sound.
Warm:Having or giving out moderate heat.


Interesting Video

In music class we saw a video about an orchestra that don't use instruments to do a very good song.


Today I've done another project.
This project is about a spanish musician which have a street in Salamanca .
His name is Diego Pisador.
this is the video

Kid's song

I have done a project with my classmates: Alicia and Jose Manuel.
The project is about the song Twinkle Twinkle Little Star .
Here is the video

Hallo Django

Hi everyone! We have done a new project in music class and it's about a song called Hallo Django.
I hope you like it!


Vocabulary Unit:7

Vocabulary Unit 7
Chase: To follow rapidly or intently in order to overtake, pursue
Sting: To prick or wound (a person or animal) with a sharp-pointed part of the body that often contains poison or venom.
Fight Back: A battle or combat.
Shy: Bashful,Retiring,Timid.
Polite: Showing good manners.
Mean: To have in mind as one's purpose or intention.
Rude: Not polite.
Prey: An animal hunted for food.


Vocabulary Unit:5


: approaching old age
Middle-Aged: begin of the age intermediate between youth and old age, between 45 and 65.
Toddler: A child who has just started to walk but may be unsteady on his or her feet.
Young adult: A teenager
Move house: Move on your house
Retire: To give up or withdraw from a job or career, usually because of age.
Eventually: After along time.
Fluently: Without errors.
Do well at: To allow or approve, as by custom or practice.
Have a sleepover with friends: To have enough beds, or a place to sleep.
Share a room: A part of a whole, esp. given to a member of a group.
Have a lie-in: An act or instance of staying in bed longer than usual, in the morning.
Sunbathe: To expose one's body deliberately to the direct rays of the sun or a sunlamp.


Got Talent

Got Talent
Link's video:https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=88NccNdzJtU
This woman called Silvia Silvia who is a fan of crossbows. In one of her performances shot a arrow to the trigger of an other crossbow and alredary 4 times the croosbow shot the ultimate arrow and hit an apple that she has in her head. In my opinion this woman is crazy

Self Evaluation

Self Evaluation

In Music class we did a lot of things for example: the rap,noteflight...
In English Class we saw many films for example tomorrow land
And P.E class we do many sports like handball,bádminton...

In Music class nothing
In English class the homework
And in P.E the corporal expression




Hou Yifan could play chess when she was three. 

Mozart could write music when he was five.

Zahra Kell can do some amazing tricks with the wakeboard.

Hiroshi Hoketsu was the oldest person to take part in the 2012 Olympics.

Alma Deutscher was seven when she wrote her first opera. She can play the piano and the violin.

Mr Fauja Singh, completed nine marathons before eventually stopping at age of 101.

Akrit Jaswal could do his first operation at age of seven.

Einstein was the most intelligent person in the world, but he couldn´t remember dates or phone numbers.


Vocabulary Unit:4

Notes: A certificate, as of a government or a bank, accepted as money.
Spend: To pay out.
Win: To gain the favor, consent, or support of.
Earn: To receive in return for one's labor or service.
Save: To set (money) aside for later use or need.
Sell: To transfer (goods or property) (to someone)
Coins: A piece of metal stamped and issued by a government as money.
Cash: Money in the form of coins or banknotes.
Donate: To present (something) as a gift.
Pay for: O give over (money) (to someone) in exchange for something.

Vocabulary Unit:3

Headache: A pain located in the head.
Stomach ache: A saclike part of the body where food is stored and partially digested.
High fever: Of great consequence.
Cough: To make a noise like coughing.
A sore/throat: The top of the passage from the mouth to the stomach and lungs.
Flu: Any of various viral infections, a respiratory or intestinal infection.
Swollen: Made large by or as if by swelling.


First Term

During this term we have learnt a lot of new vocabulary. We have focus on the qualities of sound. There are four qualities pitch, intensity, duration and timbre.

Pitch: this quality of sound  distinguishes between high or low sounds. It is measure by wave frequency.
We should highlight some things about pitch:
Tuning fork: it is an object used before playing an instrument. It serves to tune.
Staff: group of five lines and four spaces where we write notes or other symbols.

Scale: sequence of notes.
Tone and semitone: unit for measure the pitch.

Clef: it is a symbol that indicates the name of the note. There are two types of notes:
* G clef:  we use it on the high register.

  * F clef: we use it on the low register.

It is the quality of sound that distinguishes long or short sounds. It is measure by wave persistence.
Note values: symbols that represent the duration of sound value.
Rest: represent the duration of the silence.

Time signature: divide into equal parts and sets notes and rests values.
Length modifiers: prolong or extends the duration.
  * Dot: adds half of it value.
  * Ligature: adds up duration.
  * Fermata: extends interrupting the measure.
Tempo: speed of the performance of a musical piece:
  * Largo: very slow
  * Adagio: slow
  * Andante: calm
  * Allegro: fast
  * Presto/Vivace: very fast

Here it is video about an example of an overcoming.
For me it is really amazing.

We also have studied what is the sound, what is the noise, and what is the silence.
Sound: is produced when and object vibrates and it is transmitted
by sound waves. These waves are regular.
Noise: is a bad unpleasant sound. It is also transmitted by waves but these waves are irregular.
Silence: it happened when there is no sound.

Here is an example of a quite unusual room where you can´t hear anything and you can't produce echo.
For me this video it´s a bit weird and I think that it is amazing what we can do



  • An interval is the space between two notes in the stave.
  • We call them with ordinal numbers to number them we have to count the number of notes between them.
  • There are two different types of intervals depending if the note second note is below or above.
Ascending: it  goes upper.                                                   Descending: it goes lower.

Intervals can be harmonic or melodic:
-Harmonic: notes are placed together.
-Melodic: notes are placed in sequence.      



10 Preditions about the future.

Life: In the year 2100 human brains will be smaller.

School: In the year 2100 school classes will be online.

Technology: In the year 2100 cars will fly.
FLYING HOUSE: Flying Cars Lead to Flying Houses Stylistically
Fashion: Models will be robots and the dresses will be designed by robots.

Food: We will invent sweets that we can eat always and they are going to be healthy.

The enviromentThe air will be polluted,because we will use more cars and more transport.

Sport: The sport will be in other planet in the moon.

Music: We will create new instruments.

We will know more galaxies.

Galaxia Andrómeda . Fotos de Galaxias

Safer and healthier medicines will be invented.relacionados laboratorio de seguridad estructural laboratorio ...


Vocaulary Unit:1


Unit 1

Angry: Expressing, caused by, or characterized by anger.
Sad: Feeling unhappiness or grief.
Nervous: Highly excitable or upset.
Energetic: Possessing or showing energy.
Suprised: To come upon or discover suddenly and unexpectedly.
xpressing agreement.

Scared: Frightened.