


Hou Yifan could play chess when she was three. 

Mozart could write music when he was five.

Zahra Kell can do some amazing tricks with the wakeboard.

Hiroshi Hoketsu was the oldest person to take part in the 2012 Olympics.

Alma Deutscher was seven when she wrote her first opera. She can play the piano and the violin.

Mr Fauja Singh, completed nine marathons before eventually stopping at age of 101.

Akrit Jaswal could do his first operation at age of seven.

Einstein was the most intelligent person in the world, but he couldn´t remember dates or phone numbers.


Vocabulary Unit:4

Notes: A certificate, as of a government or a bank, accepted as money.
Spend: To pay out.
Win: To gain the favor, consent, or support of.
Earn: To receive in return for one's labor or service.
Save: To set (money) aside for later use or need.
Sell: To transfer (goods or property) (to someone)
Coins: A piece of metal stamped and issued by a government as money.
Cash: Money in the form of coins or banknotes.
Donate: To present (something) as a gift.
Pay for: O give over (money) (to someone) in exchange for something.

Vocabulary Unit:3

Headache: A pain located in the head.
Stomach ache: A saclike part of the body where food is stored and partially digested.
High fever: Of great consequence.
Cough: To make a noise like coughing.
A sore/throat: The top of the passage from the mouth to the stomach and lungs.
Flu: Any of various viral infections, a respiratory or intestinal infection.
Swollen: Made large by or as if by swelling.